Política de Privacidad y Protección de Datos | Ebro Ingredients
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Política de Privacidad y Protección de Datos


In pursuance of the prevailing laws and regulations on personal data protection, Ebro Foods, S.A. (“Ebro”) hereby informs you that the personal data (the “data”) you provide now or at any time in the future will be included in a personal data file owned by Ebro.

For this purpose, you are informed as follows:


Ebro is the Data Controller:

Identity: Ebro Foods, S.A., tax number A-47412333
Postal address: Paseo de la Castellana nº 20, planta 3ª. 28046 Madrid
Telephone: 917245250
E-mail: protecciondedatos@ebrofoods.es


The purpose of processing your personal data is to provide you with any information you may request on Ebro.
Your data will not be processed in any way that may be incompatible with the purpose indicated.


Ebro will process your data for such time as may be necessary to ensure correct fulfilment of the purpose for which they were provided.
After that time, Ebro may store your data, blocked, for such time as may be necessary to secure its legitimate right to prepare, exercise and/or defend itself against claims of any nature, in which case it will take adequate technical and organisational measures to guarantee due protection of the data, including encryption or pseudonymisation.


The legal base for processing your data is the set of laws and regulations applicable to the relationship that Ebro establishes with you.


You are advised that your data may be disclosed to the Spanish subsidiaries of the Ebro Foods Group in order to comply with any obligations that Ebro may have in connection with the relationship that may be created with you.


You are advised of the following rights you have regarding the processing of your data:

  • Right to access to your data
  • Right to rectification of any inaccurate data concerning you
  • Right to erasure of your data
  • Right to restriction of processing
  • Right to portability of your data
  • Right to object to processing of your data
  • Right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, the competent supervisory authority in Spain.

As data subject, you may exercise your rights in accordance with the laws and regulations in place from time to time and on the terms and meeting the requirements established therein.
If you wish to exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction, portability or objection, you must prove your identity and send a written request to Ebro by post or courier service to Paseo de la Castellana nº 20, 3ª planta, 28046 Madrid, marking the envelope “Personal data protection”, or by e-mail to protecciondedatos@ebrofoods.es.
You are further advised that after exercising your rights of erasure, restriction and objection, Ebro may continue to store your data in the cases stipulated in law.


If the personal data you have provided belong to a third party, you guarantee that: (i) you have informed that third party of this Privacy Policy; (ii) you have obtained authorisation from that third party to provide their data to Ebro for the purpose stated in paragraph 2; and (iii) the data of the third party provided are accurate and updated. You are liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage that may be caused as a result of providing the data of the third party to Ebro.

If you do not agree with this Policy, please do not provide any personal data or use this website.

Ebro Foods, S.A.