Terms and Conditions
The following information is provided for users of this website in pursuance of the Spanish E-Commerce and Information Society Services Act 34/2002 of 11 July.
Ebro Foods, S.A. (“Ebro”) has its registered office at Paseo de la Castellana no. 20, floors 3 4, Madrid and tax number A-47412333. It is registered with the Madrid Trade Registry, page no. M-271855.
Ebro contact details:
Paseo de la Castellana número 20, 2ª planta – 28046 Madrid
Telephone: +34917245250
E-mail: comunicacion@ebrofoods.es
This website has been created by Ebro for INFORMATIVE purposes, FREE OF CHARGE and for PERSONAL USE.
All the information on this website, including all types of content, texts, images, graphic designs or codes in HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script or FLASH, among others, is intellectual property owned by Ebro Foods.
Ebro has exclusive rights over the aforesaid intellectual property and its exploitation in any form, particularly rights of reproduction, distribution, public disclosure and transformation.
Ebro reserves the right to change and update the information on its website and/or the configuration and presentation of the latter at any time without notice.
1. Conditions for use
These legal conditions regulate the permitted use of this website, which Ebro makes available to users free of charge.
Users are obliged to use the website, services and contents diligently and correctly. In particular, users shall abstain from:
Omitting, eliminating or manipulating the copyright and other details identifying the rights of its owners incorporated in the contents, or any technical protection devices or other information mechanisms that may incorporate the contents hereof.Introducing programmes, viruses, macros or any other logical device or sequence of characters that cause or may cause any kind of alteration of the website or the IT systems that support it.
Using or installing programmes or devices able to over-ride the controls or invalidate security passwords established by Ebro. Similarly, users are forbidden to decrypt the keys, systems or encryption algorithms or any other security element of the website or any of its users.Making copies or versions of the website or its source code without the prior, express, written consent of Ebro.
Conduct of any nature breaching the law and good faith.
2. Liability disclaimer
Ebro accepts no liability for any losses or damage that may be caused to users by viruses, unavailability or any other abnormal functioning of the website.
Ebro has taken all the security measures within its reach and according to the current state of the art to guarantee proper functioning of the website and avoid any damage to users.
3. Links
The links appearing on this website are included exclusively for users’ information and are by no means a suggestion or invitation to users to visit the corresponding websites. Ebro will under no circumstances be liable for any outcome that internet users may obtain or wish to obtain from the websites accessed through those links.
Ebro declines any responsibility for the services and/or information provided on other pages linked to this website.
Ebro does not control or exercise any supervision of any nature over the linked web pages. Any users using those links should consult the legal conditions set out therein.
4. Intellectual property
The texts, images, logos, distinctive signs, sounds, animations, videos, source code and other contents included in this website are the property of Ebro or, where appropriate, Ebro has permission to use them.
Users visiting the website are expressly authorised to view all the information it contains and to download or make private copies of that information on their own computer systems, provided the elements copied are exclusively for personal use by the user and are not subsequently transferred or assigned to third parties or installed on any server directly or indirectly connected to Internet or a local area network, enabling those third parties to access the information owned by Ebro through media other than its own website.
In this regard, users are not authorised to distribute, modify, transfer or publicly disclose the information (in texts or images) contained on the website, including remittance through e-mail or distribution in any form and for any purpose to a large number of users.
Any infringement of the prohibitions and restrictions set out in the preceding paragraph will be considered a breach of Ebro’s intellectual property rights, giving rise to the liabilities established in law. Anyone breaching those rights may be sued by Ebro exercising all or any administrative, civil or criminal actions corresponding to it.
Users are exclusively responsible for their access to this website and any use they may make of the information contained on the site. Ebro Foods will not be liable for any consequences, loss or damages that may derive from that access or use of information.
5. Applicable law and Jurisdiction
This website is governed by Spanish law.
In the event of any dispute arising from or in connection with its use, Ebro and the user expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Madrid.
If you do not accept these legal conditions, please leave this website.